The training – well-founded or quickly bleached?

Aroma therapists, aroma consultants, aroma experts, aromatologists:
a jumble of terms

You can take an aromatherapist seriously who has completed at least 100 hours of training or a 2-year course. There are very good companies in Switzerland and abroad that offer such training.
Some can be seen here.

It is important to know: »Aromatherapist» (or any other name) is not a protected name in Switzerland. Anyone can nominate themselves, whether after a weekend course or a 2-year course.

It is very important that the person has received a solid, science-based training in essential oils. Especially when recommendations are aimed at infants, children, pregnant women, the elderly or sick people.

Pay attention to what kind of training the aromatherapist has attended!
If you can’t show more than a weekend, no matter how good it may have been: question the aroma expert critically.

In a serious and well-founded training, in addition to the basics of essential oils, many other important aspects are learned and knowledge is imparted:

  • The chemistry of essential oils
  • The pharmacology (what happens when it is applied to the skin, when it is taken internally, etc.) and the possible uses
  • The botany and the monographs of individual essential oils and hydrosols
  • The composition of fatty oils such as jojoba oil, wild rose oil, coconut oil, etc.
  • Indication areas, i.e. for which complaints which essential oils are used and how
  • Laws in Switzerland, such as the Cosmetics Act, which stipulates an application between 1 and 3%.

It is obvious that this cannot be conveyed within a weekend.

Essential oils are highly concentrated concentrates, which should be used consciously and with the necessary knowledge! Look at the training!

If you meet someone who shows the ARTHES drops, you can be sure that they have completed professional training, including a final exam.
If you meet someone who shows the ARTHES drops, you can be sure that they have completed professional training, including a final exam.